Monday, 14 July 2008

Whats a brother got to do to get some respect?

When is nonsense like this going to end? The New Yorker magazine has just released a cartoon cover depicting Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama in traditional Muslim garb and his wife Michelle as a terrorist. This is after Fox News refered to Michelle (Barack's wife of 15 years and mother of his 2 children) as his "Baby Mama").

Obama has had to finance a website out of his campaign funds to correct some of the more vicious rumours about him and his lifestyle. Heard the one about how he is really a moslem? One minute he is facing all the flack about his 'racist' pastor of 20 years and now all of a sudden he is Moslem?

When he first launched his campaign, CNN went to great lengths to show us how close his name was aligned to enemies of America in Saddam and Osama (Barack Hussein Obama). Then later we are told that he is only highly rated cause he is African American? Has everyone forgotten all the other African Americans that ran for the White House and didn't make a dent? (Carol Moseley-Braun, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson etc). When is this man going to get some respect?

A friend of mine recently when speaking of Obama said be careful what you wish for as you might get it. Should Obama win the election in November the bashing will probably get a whole lot worse.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Eye Adaba

Beautiful in its simplicity...

Eye Adaba Lyrics:

Ojumo ti mo ojumo ti momini ile yi o

Ojumo ti mo.. mo ri re o

Ojumo ti mo ojumo ti momini ile yi o

Ojumo ti mo.. mo ri re o

Eye adaba eye adaba

Eye adaba ti fo lokeloke

Wa a balemi o

Ojumo ti mo.. mo ri re o

Ojumo ti mo ojumo ti momini ile yi o

Ojumo ti mo.. mo ri re o

Ojumo ti mo ojumo ti momini ile yi o

Ojumo ti mo.. mo ri re o.. o ya

Eye adaba eye adaba eye e e e

Eye adaba ti fo lokeloke

Wa a balemi o o o

Ojumo ti mo.. mo ri re o.. o ya

Eye adaba eye adaba eye e e e

Eye adaba ti fo o n fo n fo

Wa a ba lemi o

Ojumo ti mo ri re o

E wi kin gbo se

Eye adaba eye eee

Eye adaba ti fo lokeloke loke ode orun

Wa ba le mi o o...Ojumo ti mo mo ri re o

O o o o ye e

Eye adaba eye eye... oo
Eye adaba ti fo n on fo o nfo

Wa bale mi oo

Ojumo ti mo.. mo ri re o

O o oo oo ooo O o oo o

Ewi kin gbo se O o oo o

Aah o o o oo o Oo mo ri re o

O o o o ooo o

Mori re o

Ire ire ire ooo

O o o o o

Mori re o

Eye adaba eye adaba

Eye ti fo lokeloke ode orun

Wa ba lemi o

Ojumo ti mo mo ri re o